Cross Connection is a Christian nonprofit connecting churches to communities while making space for Jesus to transform lives through the power of authentic relationships. We are a Reconciling Ministry firmly anchored in the belief that every individual is a divine creation, bearing the unique gifts needed to engage in the sacred work of the Kin-dom. We are working to provide a safe and brave Christ-centered space for all people to experience God’s love and community.
Please take time to read our DEI Statement.


Provide weeklong camp experiences for students and adults to connect to their neighbors throughout North Carolina, Kansas and Honduras. We partner with local agencies and children’s homes to build relationships and provide services for the community. We also offer Awareness retreats in Asheville and Honduras and Access retreats year-round.

Read our 2023 Kin-dom Impact Report

Access Experience

This program offers a hands-on experience to provide safe access in and out of people’s homes along with other minor services. The camp community is built at night through games, worship, and small groups.

Asheville Awareness Experience

Our ministry in Asheville, NC partners with Haywood Street Congregation and other social service agencies to help breakdown stereotypes of people experiencing homelessness. We are all about relationships.

Honduras Awareness Experience

We provide support for teachers, directors, and children in Children’s Homes in Northwestern Honduras and a village in Copán. We work to build relationships and provide minor home repairs when needed.

Kansas City Awareness Experience

Our ministry in Kansas City, KS partners with The HUB Argentine and other social service agencies to help us understand transformational community. We are all about relationships.

Be a part of something great.

“CCC offered me the experience to learn that it is not just about the project but also the importance of relationships and stories. I give to CCC because it changed my perspective and I’m investing in that opportunity for others.”

-Cornerstone Monthly Donor

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